About The Summit

Welcome to the inaugural International Educators’ Summit, a groundbreaking initiative
organized by the Ghana Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (Ghana ASCD). Set against the vibrant backdrop of Ghana, West Africa, this summit represents a pivotal moment in the global discourse on education.

With an unyielding commitment to shaping the future of education, this event aspires to convene international educators to address the pressing challenges faced by Ghana and the broader African continent.

Context and challenges in Ghana’s Education Landscape
Ghana, like many developing nations, faces multifaceted challenges in its education system.
While strides have been made in expanding access to education, there exist core gaps that demand
innovative solutions.

Some of these challenges include:

  • Unequal access to quality education
  • Misalignment between education and the needs of the workforce
  • Limited integration of technology in
  • The need for transformative leadership
  • The urgency to prioritize student and educator wellness*.


The Summit:

Pioneering Change, Fostering Collaboration

The International Educators’ Summit serves as a dynamic platform for educational thought leaders, visionaries, practitioners, and policy-makers to converge and catalyze transformative change. As the first of its kind in Ghana, this summit is in support of the nation’s commitment to redefining education to meet the evolving needs of its citizens and to being a contributor to global educational advancements.