NELI Stakeholder Consultations

Ghana ASCD had its inaugural Stakeholder Summit on August 12-13, 2022, to initiate discussions about the National Educational Leadership Institute (NELI) pilot program. The summit brought together important players from the Ministry of Education, MoE Agencies, heads of selected secondary schools in Ghana, and organizations such as the Institute for Educational Planning and Administration (IEPA) and Transforming Teaching, Education and Learning (T-TEL)  to gain buy-in and support, as well as expert guidance on the ‘NELI idea’ and how to effectively implement it.

Whereas the purpose of the Summit was to engage local expertise in interrogating and improving the initial planning drafts that were shared for the NELI, the measure of success was to end the Summit with a more complete draft that addresses the authentic needs as these experts see them and secures shared ownership over the plan.

The objectives for the two-day working session were the following:

To tap the expertise, experiences and assets of the education community in Ghana in service of co-constructing:

  • A strategy for operationalizing a new National Educational Leadership Institute ;(NELI) designed to strengthen educational leadership and management, and 
  • A pilot for its flagship initiative: the Educational Leadership Development (Ed LD) program. To build community among the educational leaders, organizations and agencies working within the Ghanaian education system so that we can leverage the power of our network and our relational trust in service of stronger outcomes for students and Ghana’s future.

Following that, the NELI project would hold additional meetings with heads of agencies in the Ministry of Education, private school leaders, the Minister for Education, and the IEPA to finalize plans for the pilot’s actual execution. Heads of Educational Institutions engaging with NELI content


GHANA ASCD                                                                                              


National Educational Leadership Institute (NELI)

In August 2022, Ghana ASCD received substantial funding to contribute significantly to the Ministry of Education’s overarching objective of establishing the National Educational Leadership Institute (NELI). This initiative aims to deliver comprehensive leadership training to both current and aspiring educational leaders across all levels of the education sector.

Building upon the endorsement “in principle” by the Cabinet of the Government of Ghana, the program to train educational leaders was envisioned as a means to enhance learning outcomes in schools. The Cabinet mandated a six-month proof of concept implementation, with a subsequent report to evaluate the pilot’s impact on schools and learning. Based on the outcomes, the government would then decide on the incorporation of NELI training as a requisite for school leaders.

In response to this critical mandate, Ghana ASCD formulated a multifaceted strategy, outlining two primary streams of work:

  • Stream 1: Supporting Initial NELI Setup
    – Spearheading the establishment of the National Educational Leadership Institute.
    – Formulating a comprehensive strategy, roadmap, business plan, operational guidelines, and budget for the setup of NELI.
    – Offering expert advice on the optimal structure, staffing, and operational requirements for NELI.
    – Collaborating with the Ministry of Education and relevant agencies to facilitate the recruitment of permanent staff for NELI.


  • Stream 2: Developing a Pilot Educational Leadership Program
    – Crafting and refining course modules and manuals to form the foundation of the pilot educational leadership program.


  • Stream 3: Providing Technical Support to IEPA for NELI’s Initial Implementation**
    – Offering specialized technical support to the Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (IEPA) for the seamless initiation of NELI.

This comprehensive approach underscores Ghana ASCD’s commitment to not only support the establishment of NELI but also to ensure the success of the pilot educational leadership program and the subsequent implementation of NELI, aligning with the government’s vision for enhancing educational leadership nationwide. The multifaceted strategy reflects Ghana ASCD’s dedication to contributing substantively to the transformative goals set by the Ministry of Education.

Ghana ASCD News
Belinda Amoah